To All Area Commanders, Deputy Area Commanders, and Chapter Commander
Re: List of USA Regional Council Appointments
Dear Brother Knights,
Please join me in congratulating the newly appointed USA Regional Council officers who will lead the USA Region for the RY 2012-2014. I feel confident that these brother knights will lead the USA Region to greater heights and future success in accomplishing the Order’s goals and objectives in inculcating and promoting the principles and ideals of our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, to everyone who loves freedom, equality, and justice. Kindly share this information to all brother knights of your chapter and counterpart organizations in your area of responsibility
Each and everyone of you are well qualified and deserving to continue the tradition of selfless service, unbridled devotion to Rizalism and professionalism in the carrying out of your duties and responsibilities. We expect no less! The Supreme Council sent your personal Appointment Letters by mail and you should be receiving it shortly.
Congratulations and wishing you the best and lots of success!
Non Omnis Moriar!
Fraternally in Rizal
Sir Eddie Limon, KGOR
Regional Commander for USA
Deputy Supreme Pursuivant
Supreme Council
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