Child Protection Champion joins Knights of Rizal

Photo: Sir Carlos Arnaldo, KCR, Chapter Commander dubs
Sir Dominique Lemay, Knight of Rizal.

Paris, 24 April 2008 – Dominique Lemay, Founder and current Director of Virlanie Foundation, Makati, Metro Manila joined the ranks of the Order of the Knights of Rizal. He was formally inducted today at the Philippine Embassy in Paris, as member of the Dimasalang Ile de France Chapter. Exchequer and sponsor of Sir Dominique, Sir Jean-Michel Hermans administered the oath of Rizal. Chancellor, Sir Leo Mojica, presented his certificate. Pursuivant, Sir Jhun Oabel assisted in the ceremonies. Also participating was Ms Anne de Deservilliers representing Virlanie France and Switzerland.

Laureate of both the Philippine and the French Presidential awards for humanitarian service, and the French award of merit, Sir Dominique works relentlessly to care for the 300 street children and some sixty plus handicapped children in the Virlanie homes. « The Philippine award is very important to me, because it means that the government realizes there is a problem and they recognize our work. »

He has also initiated a novel method of educating children, ‘street schools.’ He is now preparing the way to seek Philippine citizenship.

The Dimasalang knights discussed several ways of contributing to the work of Virlanie, through clothes collection, media reportage, and arranging field trips for leisure or education.

Sir Carlos Arnaldo, KCR
Chapter Commander
Dimasalang Ile de France

Sir Leo Mojica reads and presents the certificate of first degree knighthood to Sir Dominique Lemay.

Sir Jean-Michel Hermans administers the oath of Rizal to the new candidates, Sir Dominique Lemay.

Sir Jhun Oabel and Sir Jean-Michel lead the blindfolded candidate to the ceremonies.

Photos by C. Arnaldo and Jhun Oabel.







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